
How to programmatically uninstall App that install DriverKit system extension

I have an app that installs a DriverKit system extension when it launches.

If I then drag this app to the Bin from /Applications then I am prompted about that the app also manages a system extension and that the system extension also will be removed.

I would like to have an uninstaller that removes the app. I have tried to remove the app in the uninstaller with rm -rf, but then the system extension is not removed.

I have also tried the trash terminal utility (can be installed with brew install trash) to check if something similar could be used from the uninstaller, but without luck.

Is there a way to programmatically remove an app and also the system extension that the app installs.


  • Good question! I don't have a fully baked answer, but enough suggestions to try that they won't fit in a comment, so here goes anyway: