I'm using MediaWiki v1.34.0
and installed AutoSitemap extension (v1.4
) on my Wiki and each time I move or delete pages this notice comes up at the top of the page:
"Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in
/extensions/AutoSitemap/AutoSitemap_body.php on line 122.
I went to look inside the said file and on line 122
I have $dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_REPLICA);
And I have the following code in my LocalSetting.php
wfLoadExtension( 'AutoSitemap' );
$wgAutoSitemap["freq"] = "daily";
$wgAutoSitemap["priority"] = 1;
Product Versions:
> MediaWiki 1.34.0<br> PHP 7.2.30 (cgi-fcgi)<br> MySQL 5.7.28-log<br>
> ICU 60.2
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