Im trying to allow a user to select multiple select options that can be stored in local storage. Trying to allow users to choose multiple select options that get saved and are displayed on screen.
<div class="custom_tunings">
<h1>Custom Tunings</h1>
<legend>Add New Tunings</legend>
<div class="formBox">
<label for="">Tuning Name</label>
<input type="text" id="inpkey" placeholder="Insert Name"> <br>
<form class="" action="index.html" method="post">
<div class="formBox">
<select class="mynoteslist" id="inpvalue">
<option value="A1">A1</option>
<option value="B1">B1</option>
<option value="C1">C1</option>
<option value="D1">D1</option>
<option value="E1">E1</option>
<option value="F1">F1</option>
<option value="G1">G1</option>
<div class="formBox">
<select class="mynoteslist" id="inpvalue2">
<option value="A1">A1</option>
<option value="B1">B1</option>
<option value="C1">C1</option>
<option value="D1">D1</option>
<option value="E1">E1</option>
<option value="F1">F1</option>
<option value="G1">G1</option>
<button type="button" id="btninsert">Save Tuning </button>
<legend>My Tunings</legend>
<div id="isoutput"> </div>
Im trying add multiple inpvalues to a key. I cant seem to add another inpvalue as it seems to only accept the first value. Im wondering if theres a simple way around this?
let inpkey = document.getElementById("inpkey");
let inpvalue=document.getElementById("inpvalue");
//let inpvalue2=document.getElementById("inpvalue2");
let btninsert = document.getElementById("btninsert");
let isoutput = document.getElementById("isoutput");
btninsert.onclick = function(){
let key = inpkey.value;
let value = inpvalue.value;
//let value2 = inpvalue.value;
if(key && value) {
for(let i=0; i<localStorage.length; i++){
let key=localStorage.key(i);
let value=localStorage.getItem(key);
isoutput.innerHTML += `${key}: ${value} <br>` ;
the desired output would be something like this Howver if i try to select different options it only takes the first value and applies them to all.
You need to check for the existence of a key and if found, append the new value to the existing value before saving.
if(key && value) {
// if the key exists
// split the existing values into an array
let vals = localStorage.getItem(key).split(',');
// if the value has not already been added
if(! vals.includes(value)){
// add the value to the array
// sort the array
// join the values into a delimeted string and store it
localStorage.setItem(key, vals.join(','));
// the key doesn't exist yet, add it and the new value
I made a working example of the above code here:
EDIT: Based on your comments and added example of desired output, I see that you don't want a distinct list of values and that any value can be added to the list of previously selected values. In this case the solution is even easier..
if(key && value) {
// if the key exists
// add this value onto the end of the existing string
localStorage.setItem(key, localStorage.getItem(key) + ', ' + value);
// the key doesn't exist yet, add it and the new value
EDIT: I modified it as so to work as desired.
if(key && value) {
var content = value + ', ' + value2 + value3;
// if the key exists
// add this value onto the end of the existing string
localStorage.setItem(key, content);
// the key doesn't exist yet, add it and the new value
localStorage.setItem(key, content);
for(var i=0; i<localStorage.length; i++){
var key=localStorage.key(i);
var value=localStorage.getItem(key);
isoutput.innerHTML += `${key}: ${value} <br>` ;