I have this routing set up:
const SONGS_ROUTES = [
path: "songs",
children: [
// ...
path: "edit/:id",
component: PerformancesComponent, // CHILD ROUTE
path: "",
component: PerformancesComponent,
const routes: Routes = [
path: "",
component: ConcertsComponent,
children: [
path: "edit/:friendlyUrl",
component: ConcertEditComponent, // PARENT route
children: SONGS_ROUTES,
and I need to be able to get friendlyUrl
with ngrx selectors in every component in the tree. So I defined it as follows:
export const routerFeatureKey = "router";
export const selectRouterState = createFeatureSelector<
export const {
selectCurrentRoute, // select the current route
selectQueryParams, // select the current route query params
selectQueryParam, // factory function to select a query param
selectRouteParams, // select the current route params
selectRouteParam, // factory function to select a route param
selectRouteData, // select the current route data
selectUrl, // select the current url
} = fromRouter.getSelectors(selectRouterState);
export const getSelectedConcertFriendlyUrl = selectRouteParam("friendlyUrl");
It does work at the "PARENT" level component (route). Which means when a user goes to edit/some-concert
the selector returns some-concert. But for the /edit/some-concert/edit/songs/1
(in the child component) it returns undefined
. And I have no idea why.
I tried both routerState: RouterState.Minimal
and routerState: RouterState.Full
. Same result.
What new things can I try?
For those crawling the net for a solution to this, I found an alternative to writing a custom selector on another SO thread.
in app-routing.module.ts
imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {
paramsInheritanceStrategy: 'always' <---- the important part
exports: [RouterModule]
Original answer that solved the question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51817329/5775417