I have a SVG image on my HTML page and its showing a very thin border around it (visible as a horizontal line on bottom).
I have tried to remove the border.
I have referenced the SVG as an external file in an image tag
<img class="svgfix" src="img/home_footer_header.svg" alt="" width="100%" />
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1920" height="237.239" viewBox="0 0 1920 237.239">
<g id="HomeFooter_Seperater" transform="translate(0 -1767.761)">
<rect id="Rectangle_610"
data-name="Rectangle 610"
transform="translate(0 1883)"
fill="#3a3a3a" />
<path id="Seperator_Black" d="M-2652,3221.992l1920-86.4v141.95l-1920,85.376Z" transform="translate(2652 -1367.826)"/>
img.svgfix {
border: 0;
background-clip: padding-box;
color: transparent;
This is caused by the svg renderer in browsers trying to smooth out your svg images.
You have the following fixes:
img.svgfix rect {
shape-renderer: crispEdges;
Browser support is all major browsers.
Trade off: The edges become jaggy.
Check out the docs
Make sure your <rect>
overlaps the html element, such that the gap caused by the smoothing is not visible.
You could for example add a border to the svg element.