I am trying to copy the selected lines of a JTable Swing, using Jython. Copy event happens on click, so the starting point are the selected lines, and the final goal is to copy them under them.
I tried, but I came up with an "extremely" onerous algorithm that does not do exactly what I want (copy over the selected ones, not below...!)
def copySelectedLine(self, e):
model = self.table.getModel()
dataVector = model.getDataVector()
rowsToCopy = self.table.getSelectedRows()
for adder, r in enumerate(rowsToCopy):
r = r+adder
newDataVector = dataVector[:r] + [([model.getValueAt(r, c) for c in xrange(3)] + [
'', '', '', '', '', ''])] + dataVector[r:] # personal concatenation
for nr in newDataVector:
I accept a suggestion also in Java.
Thanks in advance!
Simplicity is the hardest thing cit. Massimiliano Allegri
def copySelectedLine(self, e):
model = self.table.getModel()
rowsToCopy = self.table.getSelectedRows()
for adder, r in enumerate(rowsToCopy):
i = r+adder+1
model.insertRow(i, [model.getValueAt(r, c) for c in xrange(3)])
PS: Strange that I was the first to answer...