How can I create a validation in smarty php, allowing the value to appear if it is within 30 days of the specified date?
In array:
Array (4)
0 => Array (13)
id => 6496
invoicenum => 6496
datecreated => "08/09/2020"
normalisedDateCreated => "2020-09-08"
I don't know what would be the ideal field for this, but we can use datecreated
or normalisedDateCreated
It would look something like this:
{if $invoice.datecreated ... } if it is more than 30 days from the current date it should display NO
You can get current date using $
and then subtract days 30 from that.
{if "$ -30 Days"|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d' < $invoice.normalisedDateCreated}
But it would be simplified if can just pass another variable from php which is 30 days prior to current date.
Another solution proposed by @zecaluis
{if strtotime($invoice.normalisedDateCreated) > strtotime('-30 days')}