Here is a binary tree, and i am trying to calculate the sum of the leaves
/ \
-5 10
/ \
-4 30
/ \
13 17
The data declaration is given.
data Tree = TNode Int [ Tree ] | TLeaf Int
and here is my code
let t = TNode (-1) [TNode (-5) [ TNode (-4) [ Tleaf 13, Tleaf 17] , Tleaf 30 ] ,Tleaf 10 ]
sumLeaves (Tleaf x)= x
sumLeaves (TNode x [tree])= sum[sumLeaves tree]
When i run the program sumLeaves t,it shows that there is non-exhaustive patterns in the function sumLeaves.I think the problem is the programm can't count,when there is a node with two leaves,but i don't know how to solve it.A little help is really appreciated.
Edited : test1:
sumLeaves1 (Tleaf x)= [x]
sumLeaves1 (TNode x [Tleaf y])=[y]
sumLeaves1 (TNode x (y:ys))= sum ( (sumLeaves1 y) ++ (sumLeaves1 (TNode x ys)) )
test 2:
sumLeaves (Tleaf x)= x
sumLeaves (TNode x [Tleaf y])=y
sumLeaves (TNode x (y:ys))= (sumLeaves y) + sumLeaves (TNode x ys)
test 2 works fine,but test 1 gives error, when i remove the sum(),it gives a list [13,17,30,10] ,which is the correct list, but >sum ( [13,17,30,10]) works in programm.How can i overcome it?
Your (Tnode x [tree])
only matches if the node has exactly one subtree. You should match any value of sublistlist, so:
sumLeaves :: Tree -> Int
sumLeaves (Tleaf x) = x
sumLeaves (TNode x trees) = sum (…)
here the …
should create a list of the sums of the children of the node. You thus should make a mapping for each element in trees
. I leave this as an exercise. You might want to look at map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
That being said, you do not have to sum the elements yourself. You can lift the Tree
data type and make use of the DeriveFoldable
extension to let Haskell derive a Foldable
instance for you:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
data Tree a = TNode a [ Tree a ] | TLeaf a deriving Foldable
The sum :: (Foldable f, Num a) => f a -> a
is defined on any Foldable
, so we can then sum with:
Prelude> sum (TNode (-1) [TNode (-5) [ TNode (-4) [ TLeaf 13, TLeaf 17] , TLeaf 30 ] ,TLeaf 10 ])