I'm trying to get latitude/longitude coordinates to use with location based reminders (Eventkit) The address is valid and is sent to the function correctly, if I provide an optional for the coordinates it is returned by the function ok, so the function seems to work but the geocoder is not converting the address as expected. I can't see why it won't.
var lat: Double?
var lon: Double?
func getLocation(address: String) -> CLLocation {
let geocoder = CLGeocoder()
geocoder.geocodeAddressString(address) { placemarks, error in
guard let placemark = placemarks?.first else { return }
let coordinate = placemark.location?.coordinate
lat = coordinate?.latitude //Is always nil
lon = coordinate?.longitude //Is always nil
// Note: providing ?? sample coordinates in the return below works
return CLLocation(latitude: lat!, longitude: lon!)
if self.locationChoice == "Dog's Home" {
let address = "\(self.dog.addressLine1),\(self.dog.town),\(self.dog.postcode)"
let structuredLocation = EKStructuredLocation(title: address)
structuredLocation.geoLocation = getLocation(address: address)// asking for CLLocation
structuredLocation.radius = 500
let alarm = EKAlarm()
if self.whenArrivingOrLeaving == 0 {
alarm.proximity = EKAlarmProximity.enter
}else {
alarm.proximity = EKAlarmProximity.leave
alarm.structuredLocation = structuredLocation
It's not nil you return a value from an asynchnous method you should use a completion
func getLocation(address: String,completion:@escaping(CLLocation? -> ())) {
let geocoder = CLGeocoder()
geocoder.geocodeAddressString(address) { placemarks, error in
guard let placemark = placemarks?.first else { return }
getLocation(address: address) { loc in
// embed all code here