Using "Database stored procedure" connector in Mule 4.2.2 for Sybase database.
{ call XXX } - it is not working in Mule 4.2.2 studio using jconn4-26502.jar and getting below error
exec XXX - it is working in SQL developer tool.
description=Execute cursor 'jconnect_implicit_1' is declared on a procedure which has more than one SQL statement. For the declaration of this cursor to be legal the procedure should have a single SELECT statement clause.
detailedDescription=Execute cursor 'jconnect_implicit_1' is declared on a procedure which has more than one SQL statement. For the declaration of this cursor to be legal the procedure should have a single SELECT statement clause.
errorType = DB:QUERY_EXECUTION cause=org.mule.extension.db.api.exception.connection.QueryExecutionException
Issue is resolved by writing java code using CallableStatement