I have a class which implements an interface and a method which takes another interface. I wonder to mock method calls from that argument; however, the result is null.
public class LoginAction implements IServerAction {
private static final int HTTP_OK_STATUS = 200;
public void execute(IServerExchange exchange) throws Exception {
URI uri = exchange.getRequestURI();
GeneralHelper.encrypt('some text');
here is my test:
public class LoginActionTest {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
loginAction = new LoginAction();
iServerExchange = createMock(IServerExchange.class);
public void testExecute_userExistsInScoreList_success() throws Exception {
expect(iServerExchange.getRequestURI()).andReturn(new URI("/254/login"));
expect(GeneralHelper.encrypt('some text').andReturn('my test');
The uri is null in the test. Also the GeneralHelper which is a final class is not mocked entirely as i expect to return a value.
I should have considered replay method before calling the main method.