
RxJava Completable.andThen never triggers the second Completable

I'm trying to chain two reactive calls which return Completable using retrofit on android:

val userRequest = ...
val languageRequest = ...

return userService.updateUser(userRequest)
    .andThen { userService.updateMessagingUserLanguages(, languageRequest) }
    .doOnComplete { userRepository.updateUser(user) }

which are defined as follow:

fun updateUser(@Body user: UserRequest): Completable

fun updateMessagingUserLanguages(@Path("userId") userId: Long, @Body request: MessagingLanguageDTO): Completable

The first Completable succeed and returns a response with a 200 status. However, the second call is never triggered (it never appears in my log and does not pass my breakpoint).

What am I missing here?


  • Try:

    andThen(userService.updateMessagingUserLanguages(, languageRequest))

    IOW, replace the lambda expression as a parameter with the actual Completable that you want to add to the chain.