I have a list of strings that must be split using a delimiter and then get the second value of the split to create a map of string arrays.
Here is an example:
A list of strings like the following:
["item1:parent1", "item2:parent1", "item3:parent2"]
Should be converted to a map that has the following entries:
<key: "parent1", value: ["item1", "item2"]>,
<key: "parent2", value: ["item3"]>
I tried to follow the solution given in this question but with no success
Sample code:
var x = new ArrayList<>(List.of("item1:parent1", "item2:parent1", "item3:parent2"));
var res = x.stream().map(s->s.split(":")).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(???));
Assuming the splited array has always a length of 2, something like below should work
var list = List.of("item1:parent1", "item2:parent1", "item3:parent2");
var map = list.stream()
.map(s -> s.split(":"))
s -> s[1],
Collectors.mapping(s -> s[0], Collectors.toList())));