
Do I have to do anything to make my Electron app "Citrix compatible"?

I have a cross-platform Electron app in beta which I've developed for a client (I'm a contractor) and I just found out today that the app needs to work in a 3rd party's Citrix environment. I had no idea what that even was so I have been googling furiously for a few hours. That hasn't helped much so I thought I'd ask here. Sorry for the lame question.

The app is a tool for creating presentations. It accesses the local HD to copy digital assets into a current project folder. It also writes a JSON file to the project folder and some preferences to the "Application Support" folder. The app makes two network calls at startup: one to validate a user entered license key and the other to check for updates. The update is not automatic ("update in place"). The app also supports the copy/paste of text.

That's it. Is this something which will "just work" in a Citrix environment or do I need to do some sort of customization? None of the material I've found on Citrix describe this sort of basic compatibility (or if it did, I didn't understand it)


  • Citrix is a virtual machine, so if you just build your electron app and drop the executable in citrix it should do the job.

    We used it in a company i used to work and we rarely(real special cases like really old softwares) had any issues in running any program that would run on windows in citrix.

    here is what it actually looks like :

    enter image description here

    so you should be fine, no wories