I'm trying to generate the header file (MyClass.h) using the command javah -jni MyClass.java
since I use the JDK 1.8 but I also tried with the other version of the command javac -h MyClass.java
but I always get the following result in my terminal :
All my .java or .class file are in this folder.
Thank you for the help
[edit] I also tried with the .class file but the output is the same with javac -h
but with javah -jni
I get the following output :
Try to compile SimpleJNI.java first and then execute javah command.
Sample class
public class SimpleJNI
public static void someMethod()
System.out.println("Some method");
Compile is using javac with -classpath if there is any external dependency required.
javac -classpath <path_to_dependency> SimpleJNI.java
or without -classpath if there is no dependency
javac SimpleJNI.java
then execute javah with your .class file
javah SimpleJNI