In my Jekyll site, I want to load data from _data/stocks.yml
and use the data in a Chart.js-powered graph. Chart.js accepts chart datasets and labels as simple Javascript arrays. Is there an easy way to convert a Liquid array to a Javascript array or map?
I tried doing: var months = {{ | json }}
but I think that only works for individual strings/variables and not collection structures.
The _data/stocks.yml
- month: Jan '20
portfolio: '-4.5'
spy: '-0.16'
- month: Feb '20
portfolio: '-19.2'
spy: '-8.41'
- month: Mar '20
portfolio: '-19.1'
spy: '-12.51'
I think there are two issues with what you're trying to accomplish.
The first is that that, according to the jekyll documentation, you should access a data file using the format
without the extension .yml
. In your case, you would access your data using {{ }}
The second is that the jekyll (liquid) filter for converting to json is | jsonify
, not | json
. So to convert your stocks data file to json you would use {{ | jsonify }}