
Spread returned objects from map into one object

I'm trying to get the results back from my loop to be spread into a variable

const updateds = {
        (Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.updated')).map(item => {
            return {[item.dataset.slug]: item.dataset.position};

and the results should be spread to form like so

{"chahan": "1", "jacques-lacoste": "2", "testcover": "3", "kreo": "4"}

but instead i get


Any idea how to achieve so ?


  • Using the map higher-order method is always going to return an array. If you want to combine the objects of an array into a single object, the reduce higher-order method is what you want to use.

    const updateds = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.updated')).reduce((accumulator, item) => {
      return {
        [item.dataset.slug]: item.dataset.position
    }, {})