
how to take team total for unilevel mlm tree

I need to find the team total for the unilevel mlm tree I am having users table as this

| id    | fname | parent_id |
| sk001 | aa    | null      |
| sk002 | ss    | ssk001    |
| sk003 | dd    | sk001     |
| sk004 | ff    | sk002     |
| sk005 | gg    | sk002     |
| sk006 | hh    | sk005     |
| sk007 | jj    | sk006     |
| sk008 | kk    | sk006     |
| sk009 | ll    | sk004     |
| sk010 | mm    | sk005     |

and I have invoice_order table like this

| id    | fname | parent_id | amount |
| sk001 | aa    | null      | 100    |
| sk002 | ss    | ssk001    | 400    |
| sk002 | dd    | sk001     | 225    |
| sk004 | ff    | sk002     | 50     |
| sk005 | gg    | sk002     | 59     |
| sk006 | hh    | sk005     | 77     |
| sk007 | jj    | sk006     | 89     |
| sk004 | ff    | sk002     | 87     |
| sk009 | ll    | sk004     | 45     |
| sk010 | mm    | sk005     | 56     |

Here I have to calculate the personal total and the team total of the Ids, example(tree):

                |     |--sk004
                |     |    |--sk009
                |     |    |--xy
                |     |
                |     |--sk005

for example : Team total of sk002 should contain the total purchase amount of an individual in the team (sk004,sk009,xy)

I have just tries something like this :

SELECT  (SUM(amount))/2 as indteamtotal 
                                          from    (SELECT * from invoice_order
                                                   order by id, parent_id) products_sorted,
                                                  (SELECT @pv := 'sk002') initialisation
                                          where   find_in_set(parent_id, @pv) > 0
                                          and     length(@pv := concat(@pv, ',', id)) order by parent_id asc

but I am not getting correct team total Is there any possibilities to use mysql procedure


  • You can use a CTE if you have MySQL 8+

    with recursive tree as (
     select id from invoice_order where id = 'sk002'
     select from invoice_order i join tree on = i.parent_id
    select sum(amount) from invoice_order where id in (select id from tree);

    Link to the fiddle