
How does Dijkstra's self-stabilizing algorithm work?

I have read his seminal paper, Self-stabilizing systems in spite of distributed control. However, I don't quite get how the self-stabilizing algorithm works. I am most interested in his, 'solution' of k-state machines. The density of the paper is quite intense and I can't make much sense of it. How does this algorithm work in plain English?


  • I can try to explain it in plain English...

    First you should have a look at the link Jean-Francois Corbett wrote as a comment.


    (from Wikipedia)

    A system is self-stabilizing if and only if:

    • Starting from any state, it is guaranteed that the system will eventually reach a correct state (convergence).
    • Given that the system is in a correct state, it is guaranteed to stay in a correct state, provided that no fault happens (closure).


    Same as the one on the seminar paper

    Self Stabilizing system

    In his paper Dijkstra defines a self stabilizing system as follow:

    Consider a circle graph with N+1 nodes. (From 0 to N+1)

    Each node can be in different states.

    Each node can have different privilege. (for example xS = xR can be a privilege)

    At each step if in one node a privilege is present we will apply a certain rule :

    if privilege then "what to do" endif 

    Legitimate States

    He defines a legitimate state to be a state with only one privilege present.


    If you apply the different rules in Dijkstra's paper for the described system you will get a self-stabilizing system. (cf definition.)

    i.e. from any state with n privilege presents (even with multiple privileges for one node) you will reach in a finite number of states a state with only one privilege present, and stay in legitimate states after this state. And you will be able to reach any legitimate state.

    You can try yourself with a simple example.

    Example for the 4 states solution

    Let's take only a bottom node and a top node:

    starting point: (upT,xT) = (0,0) and
                    (upB,xB) = (1,0)
    state1: (upT,xT) = (0,0) and
            (upB,xB) = (1,1)
        only one privilege present on B => legitimate
    state2: (upT,xT) = (0,1) and
            (upB,xB) = (1,1)
        only one privilege present on T => legitimate
    state3: (upT,xT) = (0,1) and
            (upB,xB) = (1,0)
        only one privilege present on B => legitimate
    state4: (upT,xT) = (0,0) and
            (upB,xB) = (1,0)
        only one privilege present on T => legitimate

    and here is a result for 3 nodes: bottom (0) middle (1) top (2): I start with 2 privileges (not legitimate state, then once I get into a legitimate state I stay in it):

    {0: [True, False], 1: [False, False], 2: [False, True]}
    privilege in bottom
    privilege in top
    {0: [True, True], 1: [False, False], 2: [False, False]}
    first privilege in middle
    {0: [True, True], 1: [True, True], 2: [False, False]}
    privilege in top
    {0: [True, True], 1: [True, True], 2: [False, True]}
    second privilege in middle
    {0: [True, True], 1: [False, True], 2: [False, True]}
    privilege in bottom
    {0: [True, False], 1: [False, True], 2: [False, True]}
    first privilege in middle
    {0: [True, False], 1: [True, False], 2: [False, True]}
    privilege in top
    {0: [True, False], 1: [True, False], 2: [False, False]}
    second privilege in middle
    {0: [True, False], 1: [False, False], 2: [False, False]}
    privilege in bottom
    ... etc

    Here is a small Python [<=2.7] code (I am not very good at python so it's may be ugly) to test the 4 states methods with a system of n nodes, it stops when you find all the legitimate states:

    from copy import deepcopy
    import random
    n=int(raw_input("number of elements in the graph:"))-1
    for i in range(1,n):
    def nextStep(G):
        print G
        if G[0][1] == G[1][1] and (not G[1][0]):
            Temp[0][1]=(not Temp[0][1])
            print "privilege in bottom"
        if G[N][1] != G[N-1][1]:
            Temp[N][1]=(not Temp[N][1])
            print "privilege in top"
        for i in range(1,N):
            if G[i][1] != G[i-1][1]:
                Temp[i][1]=(not Temp[i][1])
                print "first privilege in ", i
            if G[i][1] == G[i+1][1] and G[i][0] and (not G[i+1][0]):
                print "second privilege in ", i
        print "number of privilege used :", privilege
        print '================================'
        return Temp
    while(not (D in L) ):