
Retrieving currency exchange rates online

I am trying to get data in many currencies, and convert all of them to Euro. I found a code on this website, but the code is too advanced for me and is impossible to debug with my knowledge.

I isolated the error, it is when the code reaches xhr.send. Do you have any idea why this would happen?

I do not understand what this part is doing, therefore it is difficult for me to debug it.
The error message that I get is as follow :

Run-time error '-2147012889 (80072ee7)' Automation error

Sub test()

Dim test1 As Variant

test1 = ConvCurrency(1, "USD", "GBP")
MsgBox (test1)

End Sub
' UDF to convert a currency using the daily updated rates fron the European Central Bank  '
'  =ConvCurrency(1, "USD", "GBP")                                                         '

 Public Function ConvCurrency(Value, fromSymbol As String, toSymbol As String)
  Static rates As Collection, expiration As Date  ' cached / keeps the value between calls '

  If DateTime.Now > expiration Then
    Dim xhr As Object, node As Object
    expiration = DateTime.Now + DateTime.TimeSerial(1, 0, 0) ' + 1 hour '

    Set rates = New Collection
    rates.Add 1#, "EUR"

    Set xhr = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
    xhr.Open "GET", "https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml", False

    For Each node In xhr.responseXML.SelectNodes("//*[@rate]")
      rates.Add Conversion.Val(node.GetAttribute("rate")), node.GetAttribute("currency")
  End If

  ConvCurrency = (Value / rates(fromSymbol)) * rates(toSymbol)
End Function

EDIT : for any future reader, I Changed my object to msxml2.xmlhttp, now it is working.


  • It looks OK as I browse it, apart from the object, that I think should use:


    You may check out similar code in my project VBA.CurrencyExchange which can retrieve rates from 10 sources. Too much code to post here, but the base function for the ECB is:

    ' Retrieve the current exchange rates from the European Central Bank, ECB,
    ' for Euro having each of the listed currencies as the base currency.
    ' The rates are returned as an array and cached until the next update.
    ' The rates are updated once a day at about UTC 15:00.
    ' Source:
    '   http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/policy_and_exchange_rates/euro_reference_exchange_rates/html/index.en.html
    ' Note:
    '   The exchange rates on the European Central Bank's website are indicative rates
    '   that are not intended to be used in any market transaction.
    '   The rates are intended for information purposes only.
    ' Example:
    '   Dim Rates As Variant
    '   Rates = ExchangeRatesEcb()
    '   Rates(7, 0) -> 2018-05-30       ' Publishing date.
    '   Rates(7, 1) -> "PLN"            ' Currency code.
    '   Rates(7, 2) -> 4.3135           ' Exchange rate.
    ' 2018-06-07. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
    Public Function ExchangeRatesEcb() As Variant
        ' Operational constants.
        ' Base URL for European Central Bank exchange rates.
        Const ServiceUrl    As String = "http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/"
        ' File to look up.
        Const Filename      As String = "eurofxref-daily.xml"
        ' Update hour (UTC).
        Const UpdateHour    As Date = #3:00:00 PM#
        ' Update interval: 24 hours.
        Const UpdatePause   As Integer = 24
        ' Function constants.
        ' Async setting.
        Const Async         As Variant = False
        ' XML node and attribute names.
        Const RootNodeName  As String = "gesmes:Envelope"
        Const CubeNodeName  As String = "Cube"
        Const TimeNodeName  As String = "Cube"
        Const TimeItemName  As String = "time"
        Const CodeItemName  As String = "currency"
        Const RateItemName  As String = "rate"
    #If EarlyBinding Then
        ' Microsoft XML, v6.0.
        Dim Document        As MSXML2.DOMDocument60
        Dim XmlHttp         As MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60
        Dim RootNodeList    As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
        Dim CubeNodeList    As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
        Dim RateNodeList    As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
        Dim RootNode        As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
        Dim CubeNode        As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
        Dim TimeNode        As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
        Dim RateNode        As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
        Dim RateAttribute   As MSXML2.IXMLDOMAttribute
        Set Document = New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
        Set XmlHttp = New MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60
        Dim Document        As Object
        Dim XmlHttp         As Object
        Dim RootNodeList    As Object
        Dim CubeNodeList    As Object
        Dim RateNodeList    As Object
        Dim RootNode        As Object
        Dim CubeNode        As Object
        Dim TimeNode        As Object
        Dim RateNode        As Object
        Dim RateAttribute   As Object
        Set Document = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
        Set XmlHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    #End If
        Static Rates()      As Variant
        Static LastCall     As Date
        Dim Url             As String
        Dim CurrencyCode    As String
        Dim Rate            As String
        Dim ValueDate       As Date
        Dim ThisCall        As Date
        Dim Item            As Integer
        If DateDiff("h", LastCall, UtcNow) < UpdatePause Then
            ' Return cached rates.
            ' Retrieve updated rates.
            ' Define default result array.
            ' Redim for three dimensions: date, code, rate.
            ReDim Rates(0, 0 To 2)
            Rates(0, RateDetail.Date) = NoValueDate
            Rates(0, RateDetail.Code) = NeutralCode
            Rates(0, RateDetail.Rate) = NeutralRate
            Url = ServiceUrl & Filename
            ' Retrieve data.
            XmlHttp.Open "GET", Url, Async
            If XmlHttp.Status = HttpStatus.OK Then
                ' File retrieved successfully.
                Document.loadXML XmlHttp.ResponseText
                Set RootNodeList = Document.getElementsByTagName(RootNodeName)
                ' Find root node.
                For Each RootNode In RootNodeList
                    If RootNode.nodeName = RootNodeName Then
                        Exit For
                        Set RootNode = Nothing
                    End If
                If Not RootNode Is Nothing Then
                    If RootNode.hasChildNodes Then
                        ' Find first level Cube node.
                        Set CubeNodeList = RootNode.childNodes
                        For Each CubeNode In CubeNodeList
                            If CubeNode.nodeName = CubeNodeName Then
                                Exit For
                                Set CubeNode = Nothing
                            End If
                    End If
                End If
                If Not CubeNode Is Nothing Then
                    If CubeNode.hasChildNodes Then
                        ' Find second level Cube node.
                        Set CubeNodeList = CubeNode.childNodes
                        For Each TimeNode In CubeNodeList
                            If TimeNode.nodeName = TimeNodeName Then
                                Exit For
                                Set TimeNode = Nothing
                            End If
                    End If
                End If
                If Not TimeNode Is Nothing Then
                    If TimeNode.hasChildNodes Then
                        ' Find value date.
                        ValueDate = CDate(TimeNode.Attributes.getNamedItem(TimeItemName).nodeValue)
                        ' Find the exchange rates.
                        Set RateNodeList = TimeNode.childNodes
                        ' Redim for three dimensions: date, code, rate.
                        ReDim Rates(RateNodeList.Length - 1, 0 To 2)
                        For Each RateNode In RateNodeList
                            Rates(Item, RateDetail.Date) = ValueDate
                            If RateNode.Attributes.Length > 0 Then
                                ' Get the ISO currency code.
                                Set RateAttribute = RateNode.Attributes.getNamedItem(CodeItemName)
                                If Not RateAttribute Is Nothing Then
                                    CurrencyCode = RateAttribute.nodeValue
                                End If
                                ' Get the exchange rate for this currency code.
                                Set RateAttribute = RateNode.Attributes.getNamedItem(RateItemName)
                                If Not RateAttribute Is Nothing Then
                                    Rate = RateAttribute.nodeValue
                                End If
                                Rates(Item, RateDetail.Code) = CurrencyCode
                                Rates(Item, RateDetail.Rate) = CDbl(Val(Rate))
                            End If
                            Item = Item + 1
                        Next RateNode
                    End If
                End If
                ThisCall = ValueDate + UpdateHour
                ' Record requested language and publishing time of retrieved rates.
                LastCall = ThisCall
            End If
        End If
        ExchangeRatesEcb = Rates
    End Function

    I haven't checked it in Excel, though, only in Access.