I am trying to write a code for detecting the color green from a live video. I want to make a detector so that whenever the color green pops up in the screen, a counter starts counting how many times the color appears.
So for the video source, I am using the OBS Virtual Camera. But I have no idea how to input it as the source. I have seen codes inputting web cams as the source as shown below:
import numpy as np
import cv2
# Capturing video through webcam
webcam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
Anyone have any idea how I can input the OBS virtual cam? Or does anyone know any alternative like switching to another language to do said task?
Windows will treat OBS Virtual Camera as if it were a regular camera. The integer argument for cv2.VideoCapture
is the index of the camera. Thus, you can simply increment that number repeatedly until the program uses the OBS Virtual Camera.