
Launch Screen not working on iOS 14 with Xcode 12

I upgraded Xcode to version 12 and tested my app on iOS 14. Now the problem is, that my launch screen is just showing in black. I tested it with an iOS 13.5 device and it is still working as expected. I tried to remove the launchscreen.storyboard approach and added the Launch Screen key in the info.plist, but then the image is scaled to full size.

Now I tested a little bit with the launchscreen.storyboard and I found a few things.

Did you experience issues with iOS 14 and the storyboard approach?

If yes, how did you fix it?


  • So here are a lot of good ideas, but I was able to finally solve the issue - it is more like a workaround. I needed to store the picture outside the Images.xcassets folder and then it started to work again. This is a very weird issue.