
Sass map.get() doesn't work. map-get() does. What gives?

Problem: map.get() doesn't work. map-get() does work.

I set up a map of color values and created a simple function to retrieve them.

While doing the retrieval, I followed the Sass documentation which states that you can retrieve a map value using the map.get() function. Using this or any other map.function results in an Error: There is no module with the namespace "map"..

Checking out the map module, I noticed an alternative syntax, map-get(), which does work.

What gives? Am I missing something, like importing the map module, so that I can use it in that form?

Check out my code below:

// Using npm dart `sass 1.26.11`.

$colors: ('primary': black, 'secondary': white);

// Doesn't work    
@function color($color) {
  @return map.get($colors, $color);

// Does work
@function color($color) {
  @return map-get($colors, $color);

Question: What do I need to change to get the map.get() syntax to work?


  • I am having a similar issue as OP (using dart-sass v1.25.0), and only map-get works, map.get doesn't.

    The documentation doesn't seem to be very clear on this, but the (Sass Module System: Draft 6) document on Github explains it better.

    It seems like Sass is moving on to using @use in favour of @import for better compatibility with native CSS, and in order to get access to map.get you now must explicitly import the map module using the @use keyword.

    So using OP's example, map.get should work:

    @use "sass:map";
    $colors: ('primary': black, 'secondary': white);
    @function color($color) {
      @return map.get($colors, $color);