I can tell if a SQL Server TDE Master Key exists with this T-SQL query:
if not exists (SELECT name FROM sys.symmetric_keys WHERE symmetric_key_id = 101) begin
-- Master Key does not exist. Create one here.
Is there a query to determine whether a database key exists for [mydb]? For example:
use [mydb];
if .... begin
-- database encryption key does not exist. Create one here
You're looking for sys.dm_database_encryption_keys
. From the docs:
Returns information about the encryption state of a database and its associated database encryption keys.
Also, it's a server-level view, so no need to run it in the context of your user database (though it's fine if you do; you can run it anywhere on the server). Something like this should work
declare @db sysname = 'mydb';
if exists (
select *
from sys.dm_database_encryption_keys
where database_id = db_id(@db)
and encryption_state = 3 /* encrypted */
print concat(quotename(@db), ' is encrypted.')
print concat(quotename(@db), ' is not encrypted.')