I am trying to make a keylogger in Python that requires pyHook module. I tried pip install pyHook
but it did not work.
So, I downloaded this package from https://www.lfd.uci.edu/ -
Then I tried to install it using:
pip install pyHook-1.5.1-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
But is shows the error given in heading.
I even downloaded this package from same site - pyHook‑1.5.1‑cp37‑cp37m‑win32.whl
But none of them works. So what should I do? Please help.
My system is 64-bit
and I use Python 3.8
That happens because you are using python 3.8, and you need to install python 3.7 to run the pyhook library.
Try to uninstall your version 38 then install python 3.74, and finally run your command
pip install pyHook-1.5.1-cp**37**-cp**37**m-win_amd64.whl