I have a script file to generate an eps file with gnuplot. The basics of this script are:
set terminal postcript enhanced color size 30,20 font 'Times-ew-Roman,40'
set xtics -.5,0.125
set ytics 0.1,0.1
set xrange [-0.5,.5]
set yrange [0.,1.6]
set cbrange [-0.5,.5]
set output "file.eps"
plot #whatever i plot
This script generates an eps file, which I can open in ubuntu and I can see is well printed. Now, I want to import this eps into inkscape, but when importing inkscape imports a big frame with only the top left drawn. The rest is blank. Do I have to change anyvalue in my gnuplot script or do something else with inkscape? I tried to open it in inskcape windows and ubuntu versions, and in both cases it happens the same with the same file.
The problem may be that you have not actually asked gnuplot to produce an eps image. Instead you produced a generic PostScript document with a page size that does not match the default. You need to put the keyword "eps"
in your terminal command:
set term postscript eps color size 30,20 font "Times-New-Roman,40"