I'm currently developing a web-based project management app, based on Cuba-platform 7.2. I wanted to add a Gantt view, so I get Charts plugin derived from amCharts.
The issue I'm facing is that for a project (one line of the chart), I can have tasks overlapping from a timeline point of view. As a result, those tasks overlap each other in the Gantt chart, making it not very easy to analyze. I was wondering if there would be a way to stack segments associated to a line, instead of having them all aligned and overlapping ?
I thank you very much for your help and time !
thank you glebfox for your answer. As a solution, I finally decided to create one Gantt by project, and for each one, I use a Service to provide a list of transcient entities containing a list Task with only one segment (1 by task), so that each one is on a single line.