
Access to required fields with Yup

I use react-hook-form with yup to validate my forms.

I want to know all required fields of a schema to display some information in form (like '*' for required fields). We could achieve this with this line of code :

schema.describe().fields[field].tests.findIndex(({ name }) => name === 'required'

However, this code doesn't work for conditional validation.

Schema example :

const schema = yup.object().shape({
    email: yup

    isProfileRequired: yup

    profile:  yup
        is: (isProfileRequired) => isProfileRequired,

Is there a way to retrieve this informations within the form ?


  • There is actually no "nice" way to do it but this works:

    function isRequired(field){
        return schema.fields[field]._exclusive.required || false 

    Notice: schema.fields[field]._exclusive.required returns true if required or undefined.