I have a Blazor Server Side app with basic routing and after navigation I need to check whether current page implements particular interface. e.g.:
NavigationService.LocationChanged += (sender, args) =>
Type componentType = GetComponetFromLocation(args.Location);
if (!componentType.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(PageBase)) {
How do I get the Component Type for current or a specific url/location?
You can add an OnParametersSet method in your MainLayout component...
Also add: @using System.Reflection;
protected override void OnParametersSet()
// Get the Component Type from the route data
var component = (this.Body.Target as RouteView)?.RouteData.PageType;
// Get a list of all the interfaces implemented by the component.
// It should be: IComponent, IHandleEvent, IHandleAfterRender,
// Unless your routable component has derived from ComponentBase,
// and added interface implementations of its own
var allInterfaces = component.GetInterfaces();