Hi I am trying to learn firebase. Now I am trying to follow what is inside the github doc. Like to gitHub
This is my index.js file
const rfConfig = {}; // optional redux-firestore Config Options
// Your web app's Firebase configuration
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: 'something',
authDomain: 'something',
databaseURL: 'something',
projectId: 'something',
storageBucket: 'something.com',
messagingSenderId: 'something',
appId: '1:something',
measurementId: 'G-something',
// Initialize Cloud Firestore through Firebase
// Add reduxFirestore store enhancer to store creator
const createStoreWithFirebase = compose(
reduxFirestore(firebase, rfConfig), // firebase instance as first argument, rfConfig as optional second
// Add Firebase to reducers
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
firestore: firestoreReducer,
// Create store with reducers and initial state
const initialState = {};
const store = createStoreWithFirebase(rootReducer, initialState);
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
My folder got 3 components. 1 is for adding todo. 1 is for displaying todo. & the last 1 is combination of the first two
Here is my app component & TodoShow Component
const App = () => {
return (
const TodoShow = () => {
return (
{/* <Todos/> */}
Inside the Todo button component I want to add a new todo when i click on a button
import { useFirebase } from 'react-redux-firebase'
export default function Todo() {
const firebase = useFirebase()
function addSampleTodo() {
const sampleTodo = { text: 'Sample', done: false }
return firebase.push('todos', sampleTodo)
return (
<h1>New Sample Todo</h1>
<button onClick={addSampleTodo}>Add</button>
But when I click on the button, The app doesn't know firebase.
Is there something i am missing here? I have already install firebase,react-redux-firebase,redux-firestore
You need to render a ReactReduxFirebaseProvider
near the top of your component tree. This is what useFirebase
is trying to access, so without one, you get undefined.
const rrfConfig = {
userProfile: 'users'
// useFirestoreForProfile: true // Firestore for Profile instead of Realtime DB
const rrfProps = {
config: rrfConfig,
dispatch: store.dispatch
// createFirestoreInstance // <- needed if using firestore
<Provider store={store}>
<ReactReduxFirebaseProvider {...rrfProps}>
<App />
For more info see this section of the documentation: https://github.com/prescottprue/react-redux-firebase#use