
How to display toast using react-toastify inside class component when props check is true

I am working on react project where i am trying to display toast using react-toastify , inside a div section when props ( isNotificationOpen ) is true. I tried an example something like bellow but i dont want the toast be triggered when button press occurs , i want the the tost to be triggered when isNotificationOpen props is set to true , how can i achieve this?

const notify = () => toast("Wow so easy !");

render() {
    return (
      <div className="d-flex" style={{ margin: "25px" }}>
        <div className="mr-auto p-2">
          {this.props.isNotificationOpen ? (
                <button onClick={notify}>Notify !</button>
                <ToastContainer />
              //Show toast here...
          ) : (
            <p />
          )} ```


  • Use a component lifecycle function to respond to the isNotificationOpen prop changing to trigger a notfication.

    Class-based component example

    notify = () => toast('Wow so easy!');
    componentDidMount() {
      const { isNotificationOpen } = this.props;
      isNotificationOpen && this.notify();
    componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
      const { isNotificationOpen } = this.props;
      if (prevProps.isNotificationOpen !== isNotificationOpen) {
        isNotificationOpen && this.notify();

    Functional component example

    useEffect(() => {
      props.isNotificationOpen && toast('Wow so easy!');
    }, [props.isNotificationOpen]);

    Edit how-to-display-toast-using-react-toastify-inside-class-component-when-props-chec