Unfortunately I have a little problem with the realization of my Python program. At one point I can't get any further. The program should do the following:
The problem here is that I can't get the source code from the search results page. I only get the source code of the start page Does anyone know a solution?
Thanks in advance.
So far my program looks like this:
import selenium.webdriver as webdriver
def get_results(search_term):
#this is the site, where I want to do the search
browser = webdriver.Firefox()
search_box = browser.find_element_by_id("q")
#search in the search box after the search term
#print(browser.page_source) would give the result of the startpage (not the result page)
#counts zero times because it searchs for "dog" at the startpage
You can do it this way: Just make a loop in which you always add an elment to a list(can be a number or a letter, for example) when this term is found.
To do this you have to save the source code in a variable and then simply search for the term in it. When it is found you simply add a number to a list with .append()
and then at the end you check the length of the list with len(list)