How can I convert a CSV into JSON and access the objects individually for creating a custom string? In the following code why I cannot view the output of[0]) ?????? When i print it shows me null in console.
data.csv has two columns (ID, Value) with 100 rows.
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def lines = new File('data.csv').readLines()
def keys = lines[0].split(',')
def rows = lines[1..-1].collect { line ->
def i = 0, vals = line.split(',')
keys.inject([:]) { map, key -> map << ["$key": vals[i++]] }
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
jsonSlurper = jsonSlurper.parse(JsonOutput.toJson(rows))[0])
Your problem here is the use of a GString as key in the map. This looks/prints like a string key, but in terms of identity (how the map looks things up) it is not.
groovy:000> key = "a"
===> a
groovy:000> ["$key": 1].containsKey(key)
===> false
groovy:000> [(key): 1].containsKey(key)
===> true
So use: [(key): vals[i++]]
Or if you want to golf this further:
[keys, line.split(',')].transpose().collectEntries()