I'm REALLY new to DVCS and am trying out Mercurial with Google Code as I'd like to share some extensions that I recently wrote for Google Chrome.
I notice that in Google Code, most projects seem to refer to changesets via sequential numbers (eg. 1, 2, 3, etc. -- (see screenshot #1 below)). My test project (screenshot #2), however, uses the hex values and I don't see anything in project settings to change this. How do I get it to display using the aforementioned linear format?
Also, being new to social coding, it seems that everywhere else on the internet, your email address is a private thing but these DVC systems seem to want your email to associate with commits (and Google, github, etc. seem intent on displaying them). Is there some sort of etiquette here? It seems that most people on Google Code edit their config file to only show the username with no real name or email information for associated commits.
This is normal because you're using mercurial. If you want sequential version numbers, you can switch to svn. Though, I think mercurial is far more superior.