
pandas to_sql with Exasol

When I use to_sql to upload dataframe to exasol and specify if_exists='replace', the default string data type is 'text', which is not supported by Exasol. I think Varchar is the right type. How could I make to_sql to create table with Varchar rather than Text?


  • I know it's not 100% what you are asking for but I would suggest to use the pyexasol package for communication between Pandas and Exasol. Deleting and following uploading then works like

    import pyexasol
    import _config as config
    # Connect with compression enabled
     C = pyexasol.connect(dsn=config.dsn, user=config.user, 
     password=config.password, schema=config.schema,
    C.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE users_copy')
    # Import from pandas DataFrame into Exasol table
    C.import_from_pandas(pd, 'users_copy')
    stmt = C.last_statement()
    print(f'IMPORTED {stmt.rowcount()} rows in 

    Problems with varchar do not appear.