I have some files in my company's sharepint folder. I need to use r to download all files in that folder. How can I do that with R?
I googled the question and got this link. It's about uploading the file to a sharepoint folder. [Uploading files to SharePoint from R
The code from the link is like below:
saveToSharePoint <- function(fileName)
cmd <- paste("curl --max-time 7200 --connect-timeout 7200 --ntlm --user","username:password",
"--upload-file /home/username/FolderNameWhereTheFileToTransferExists/",fileName,
"teamsites.OrganizationName.com/sites/PageTitle/Documents/UserDocumentation/FolderNameWhereTheFileNeedsToBeCopied/",fileName, sep = " ")
It's about uploading one specific file. But what I need is download files from sharepoint folder.
so, I modified the code to copy from sharepoint folder. I changed --upload-file
to --download-file
copyFromSharePoint <- function(fileName)
cmd <- paste("curl --max-time 7200 --connect-timeout 7200 --ntlm --user","username:password",
"--download-file teamsites.OrganizationName.com/sites/PageTitle/Documents/FolderNameWhereTheFileToTransferExists/",fileName,
"home/username/UserDocumentation/FolderNameWhereTheFileNeedsToBeCopied/",fileName, sep = " ")
However, that does not seem to work. Error message below:
curl: option --download-file: is unknown
Does anyone know how I can do it with R?
In addition, what if I need to download all files in the folder, not one specific file.Does anyone know how I can do it with R?
I made a simple R Package called sharepointr to upload and download files from SharePoint.
The way I made the whole download/upload to sharepoint work from R was to:
It is all described in the package Readme.md
# Installing the package
# Setting parameters
client_id <- "insert_from_first_step"
client_secret <- "insert_from_first_step"
tenant_id <- "insert_from_fourth_step"
resource_id <- "insert_from_fourth_step"
site_domain <- "yourorganisation.sharepoint.com"
sharepoint_url <- "https://yourorganisation.sharepoint.com/sites/MyTestSite"
# Getting a SharePoint Token
sharepoint_token <- get_sharepoint_token(client_id, client_secret, tenant_id, resource_id, site_domain)
# Getting sharepoint digest value
sharepoint_digest_value <- get_sharepoint_digest_value(sharepoint_token, sharepoint_url)
# Downloading a file
sharepoint_path <- "Shared Documents/test"
sharepoint_file_name <- "Mappe.xlsx"
out_path <- "C:/Users/User/Desktop/"
download_sharepoint_file(sharepoint_token, sharepoint_url, sharepoint_digest_value, sharepoint_path, sharepoint_file_name, out_path)