I am making an e-commerce website in which I want to send emails to users with different roles once order was completed. I was able to do this for a specific role only but how do I do this for different roles? Since normal users can be sellers and sellers can also order products from other sellers. So far these are the steps I've tried:
$users = User::whereHas('role', function ($q) {
$q->where('name', 'user', 'seller');
Mail::to($users)->send(new OrderCompleted($suborder));
However, this only works and sends email to the user
roles and not the seller
This is my mail model:
public $suborder;
public function __construct(SubOrder $suborder)
$this->suborder = $suborder;
I have also tried Mail::to($suborder->user->email)->send(new OrderCompleted($suborder));
wherein my SubOrder.php model
are as follows:
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
But when I try to use this second query, I get an error Trying to get property 'email' of non-object
How do I make this happen? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you!
I was able to send emails to target user emails regarless of their roles using
Mail::to($suborder->order->user->email)->send(new OrderCompleted($suborder));
Thank you so much!