I am using Eclipse and Maven to create a Maven package that is uploaded to MyGet to be consumed by other users. I would like to make it so that when my package is referenced as a dependency and therefore downloaded from MyGet, the source attachment is also downloaded.
I've seen this happen with, for example, the JOGL library - when my Maven project in Eclipse references JOGL, I end up with the following files in the ~/.m2/repository subdirectory associated with JOGL (among others):
And in Eclipse, if I right click on the jogl-all-main-2.3.2.jar library and choose Properties, it shows the source attachment as jogl-all-main-2.3.2-sources.jar
located in my .m2
folder. I don't believe that I did anything to select that file as the source attachment; I think it happened automatically.
When I upload my package to MyGet, it allows me to upload one or more jar files, but it expects each jar file to be a Maven package including a pom.xml file, so I can't upload the sources jar file to MyGet directly.
Perhaps this is a limitation of MyGet, in that it doesn't allow me to upload the sources in parallel. I'm not familiar enough with Maven to know if it's something that I need to specify in the pom.xml
for my package.
Please check this answer. I believe MyGet should support standard Maven's command:
mvn clean javadoc:jar source:jar deploy
So please try configure your MyGet's repo as registry and upload your packages using Maven's CLI intead of MyGet's GUI.