I have a JTable with 3 columns:
- No. #
- Name
- PhoneNumber
I want to make specific width for each column as follows:
and I want the JTable able to update the widths of its columns dynamically if needed (for example, inserting large number in the column #
) and keeping same style of the JTable
I solved the first issue, using this code:
but I didn't success to make myTable to update the widths dynamically ONLY if the current width of the column doesn't fit its contents. Can you help me solving this issue?
Here I found my answer: http://tips4java.wordpress.com/2008/11/10/table-column-adjuster/
The idea is to check some rows' content length to adjust the column width.
In the article, the author provided a full code in a downloadable java file.
JTable table = new JTable( ... );
table.setAutoResizeMode( JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF );
for (int column = 0; column < table.getColumnCount(); column++)
TableColumn tableColumn = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(column);
int preferredWidth = tableColumn.getMinWidth();
int maxWidth = tableColumn.getMaxWidth();
for (int row = 0; row < table.getRowCount(); row++)
TableCellRenderer cellRenderer = table.getCellRenderer(row, column);
Component c = table.prepareRenderer(cellRenderer, row, column);
int width = c.getPreferredSize().width + table.getIntercellSpacing().width;
preferredWidth = Math.max(preferredWidth, width);
// We've exceeded the maximum width, no need to check other rows
if (preferredWidth >= maxWidth)
preferredWidth = maxWidth;
tableColumn.setPreferredWidth( preferredWidth );