I'm using Record editor to generate my classes, but I have two imports that doesn't work
import net.sf.JRecord.def.IO.builders.ICobolIOBuilder;
I'm using JRecord 0.80 and I can't upgrade to 0.90, is there any way to generate the code from Record Editor to JRecord 0.80? I think this may be the problem
You are likely correct, JRecordInterface1.COBOL
was introduced in version 0.8?.?, so is not available in earlier versions of JRecord. It would be useful to know the actual version of JRecord being used.
You might be able to replace JRecordInterface1.COBOL
with CobolIoProvider.getInstance()
in the generated code. Again CobolIoProvider.getInstance() might not be available depending on there version version of JRecord being used.
You can use an external templates in the RecordEditor instead of the supplied templates.
There is a JRecord 0.80
Template StandardTemplate_For_jrecord_0.80_V01.00.zip
at JRecord Templates
In the RecordEditor
Select Generate >>> Java JRecord Code for Cobol
Enter the Cobol Copybook and optionally the Cobol Data file. Also Select
the Drop copybook names from field names
Enter the StandardTemplate_JRecord_080 directory in the template directory field.
Hit the next button to generate the template.
There is an option on the Generate screen to set the JRecord version, the earliest version supported is 81.5. Not much use to you but may be useful for others.