
How do I fix the browser window size in Behat 3 / Mink?

I want to run all my Behat/mink tests at a mobile display resolution. What would be really nice is to run all the tests with Chrome in dev tools mode where you can select "iPhone 5/SE" and so on to get a simulation of running on that device.

So, I tried to implement something like this myself by setting the display resolution in FeatureContext.

Here's an SO question on how to resize browser windows with Behat 2. And there's sample code for setting the window resolution in Behat/Mink/Drupal.

Based on these examples, I added the following code to my FeatureContext:

   * @BeforeScenario
  public function resizeWindow()
    $this->getSession()->resizeWindow(100, 500, 'current');

However, I'm getting this error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function window() on null (Behat\Testwork\Call\Exception\FatalThrowableError)

I also tried:

My goal: to force all tests to be executed under Chrome with a fixed window size


  • To do this in @BeforeScenario:

       * @BeforeScenario
      public function resizeWindow()
        if ($this->getSession()->getDriver() instanceof Selenium2Driver) {
          $this->getSession()->resizeWindow(100, 500, 'current');

    To do this in @BeforeStep:

       * @BeforeStep
      public function resizeWindowStep()
        $is_session = $this->getMink()->isSessionStarted();
        if (!$is_session) {
        $this->getSession()->resizeWindow(100, 500, 'current');