
128-bit arithmetic on x64 in C

When implementing bignums on x86, obviously the most efficient choice for digit size is 32 bits. However, you need arithmetic up to twice the digit size (i.e. 32+32=33, 32*32=64, 64/32=32). Fortunately, not only does x86 provide this, but it's also accessible from portable C (uint64_t).

Similarly, on x64 it would be desirable to use 64-bit digits. This would require 128 bit arithmetic (i.e. 64+64=65, 64*64=128, 128/64=64). Fortunately, x64 provides this. Unfortunately, it's not accessible from portable C, though obviously one could dip into assembly.

So my question is whether it's accessible from non-portable C. Do any C compilers on x64 provide access to this, and if so, what's the syntax?

(Note that I'm not talking about 128-bit vectors that are strictly treated as collections of 32 or 64-bit words with no carry propagation between them, but about actual 128-bit integer operations.)


  • GCC 4.1 introduced initial 128-bit integer support with the __int128_t and __uint128_t built-in types but 128-bit type was officially released since GCC 4.6 as __int128 / unsigned __int128

    Clang also supports those types although I don't know since when. The first version on Godbolt (3.0.0) does support __int128_t though

    ICC gained the same support since version 13.0.0: 128-bit integers supporting +, -, *, /, and % in the Intel C Compiler?

    See also

    If you're on MSVC then there's no direct support for a 128-bit type but there are many intrinsics helping you do 128-bit operations:

    There are also intrinsics for shifting although implementing these is trivial: __shiftleft128(), __shiftright128()

    If you're on an unsupported compiler then just use some fixed-width types from many available libraries, that would be much faster. For example ttmath:UInt<4> (a 128-bit int type with four 32-bit limbs), or (u)int128_t in Boost.Multiprecision and calccrypto/uint128_t. An arbitrary-precision arithmetic library like GMP is just too costly for this. One example: Optimization story: Switching from GMP to gcc's __int128 reduced run time by 95%