
Wait until component is not null using RxJS

I use component on my html template with quite complicated *ngIf condition

<my-component #myComponent *ngIf="..."></my-component>

and in .ts file

@ViewChild('myComponent') public myComponent: MyComponent;

After 'click' on button I send request, show/hide some stuff... on ma page - and after that *ngIf in my component should be set to true. When this.myComponent is not null I can call init(data) function inside it. I try to use rxjs for "wait" when this component is not null (setTimeout approach fails sometimes) as follows

let checking = true;

let data = await this.loadData();

interval(100).pipe(takeWhile(()=> checking)).subscribe( _ => { 
  if(this.myComponent) { 
    checking = false;

// ... (stuff which magic which makes that this.myComponent is not null)

But this code is quite not nice - it checks variable value every 100ms, the code is also quite long and complicated. Is there a more smart solution which e.g. which trigger code exactly only when this.myComponent change value from null (without pinging it every 100ms)?


I forgot to mention than above interval... code is inside some async callback so actually I need to wait when data is ready and myComponent is not null ( I update above code too)


  • You could use an EventEmitter on the child component and listen for that:

    On the child component, which you send in its ngOnInit function or whenever you're ready for it:

    @Output() loaded = new EventEmitter<void>();
    await this.getSomeDataFromSomeWhere();

    In the parent component HTML:

    <my-component #myComponent *ngIf="..." (loaded)="myComponent.init(data)"></my-component>