I'm starting to use the Confluent .NET library for Kafka and am attempting to implement a pattern I used to use against Azure Service Bus, to create the topic upon startup of the producer application (create if not exists). How would this be done in the Kafka API's, and can it be done?
This would allow the topics to be part of source control and configured in the automated release processes rather than manually set up per topic/environment. Also, I'd prefer that my developers not have to go to each Kafka instance / environment and configure them first to match.
If I can't do it this way, I'll have to bake it into bash scripts in the release process, but would prefer it in the startup code.
You could enable the cluster-wide configuration auto.create.topics.enable.
This will automatically create a topic if a new producer tries to send data to a topic that does not exist yet.
However, be aware of the following:
Alternatively, you can make use of the AdminClient API. An example is shown here:
static async Task CreateTopicAsync(string bootstrapServers, string topicName)
using var adminClient = new AdminClientBuilder(new AdminClientConfig
BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers
await adminClient.CreateTopicsAsync(new TopicSpecification[]
new TopicSpecification
Name = topicName,
ReplicationFactor = 1,
NumPartitions = 1
catch (CreateTopicsException e)
Console.WriteLine($"An error occured creating topic {e.Results[0].Topic}: {e.Results[0].Error.Reason}");