
mirador 3 - jump to page / set page / set canvas

How to load Mirador3 on specific page via config or method call?

It would be great to load viewer on page 3 without knowing canvas@id from iiif manifest. Manifest has the sequence defined - jumping to page should be easy. (or not?)

I found setCanvas in source. Also found this plugin (but that is for Mirador 2 - I think).

Only thing that works atm is manifest property startCanvas


  • Mirador 3 provides some APIs for you to use to accomplish this. You can either initialize a window with a given canvasIndex or set the canvas to a known canvasId.

    1. You can initialize a window with a canvasIndex property to start on a specific index.
    var miradorInstance = Mirador.viewer({
      id: 'mirador',
      windows: [{
        id: 'known-window-id',
        canvasIndex: 3
        loadedManifest: '',
    1. You can programmatically set the canvas if you know the canvasId
    var miradorInstance = Mirador.viewer({
      id: 'mirador',
      windows: [{
        id: 'known-window-id',
        loadedManifest: '',
    // We create the action first. Note we are using a specified `windowId` here. This could be accessed from the store instead of specifying upfront.
    var action = Mirador.actions.setCanvas('known-window-id', '')
    // Now we can dispatch it.;


    If you do not know the canvasId in advance, option 1 is probably the best for you to do.