
keyboard.hook_key() stops responding to presses after some kind of error. Only after compiling to .exe

The problem only appears after compiling to .exe: in line keyboard.hook_key ('f7', TranslateAll, suppress = True) when pressing F7 calls the function TranslateAll. Function algorithm:

  1. Library pyperclip pulls text from the clipboard
  2. Library googletrans translates text
  3. pyperclip inserts the translated text into clipboard

Everything works fine, however, after compiling to .exe, after 10 function calls, keyboard.hook_key() stops responding.

I've tried reassigning F7 in keyboard.hook_key () on error, but that didn't work either.

What could be the problem?

The problematic part of the code: (You can try running it to see it work and then using pyinstaller "" to see the problem I described)

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize
from googletrans import Translator
import keyboard
import googletrans
import pyperclip

count = 0                         #function operation counter

TranslateAll_count = 0            #variable, for single
                                  #triggering a function when a button is pressed

def TranslateAll(event):
    global TranslateAll_count
    global count
    TranslateAll_count += 1
    if TranslateAll_count != 2:

        #main algorithm 

        translator = Translator()

        data = pyperclip.paste()

        result = translator.translate(data, dest='ru')


        TranslateAll_count = 1
        count += 1
        print(f'Actuation №{count}\n')

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):

        self.setFixedSize(QSize(480, 180))

        #binding F7 to a function TranslateAll
        keyboard.hook_key('f7', TranslateAll, suppress=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    mw = MainWindow()

Output when running a .py file:

Actuation №1
Actuation №2
Actuation №3
Actuation №4
#until the user finishes work

Output when running .exe file:

#7 Actuations
Actuation №8
#the function stops being called


  • The problem was in the function call line keyboard.hook_key('f7', TranslateAll, suppress=True)

    To get rid of the problem, it was only necessary to change the value of the suppress parameter from True to False