
git credential.helper instead of .netrc to get go dependencies

To cashing dependencies I use (as ) which connect to goproxy servers (because nexus can't get dependencies directly from GitHub) outside of private network.

nexus.some.repo.com:4443/repository/go-nexus-proxy ➡️ gonexus.dev nexus.some.repo.com:4443/repository/go-proxy ➡️ proxy.golang.org ...


enter image description here

and I use .netrc file to connect to

machine nexus.some.repo.com:4443 
password SOME_PASS 
protocol https

Could I use git credential.helper instead of .netrc

If yes 👉🏻 How can I config git credential.helper


  • If you are already using netrc, you could simply configure the credential helper to use netrc

    You can download and put in your PATH git-credential-netrc.perl

    And then:

    git config --global credential.helper netrc