
How to copy folders with same names recursively to another folder in Google Colab


     mkdir(name, mode)
except OSError:
     # Cannot rely on checking for EEXIST, since the operating system

FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: 'train/'

My Code:

# Split Dataset
# we Already have the test set
# !mkdir train
# !mkdir valid
import os, shutil

fileList = os.listdir("NewDataset")
for i in [x for x in range(10) if ((x != 9) and (x != 1))]:
    # print(fileList[i])
    # Train
    if(i < 7):
        subPathList = glob.glob('NewDataset/'+fileList[i]+'/**/', recursive=False)
        for subPath in subPathList:
            shutil.copytree(subPath, 'train/')

    # Validate
        subPathList = glob.glob('NewDataset/'+fileList[i]+'/**/', recursive=False)
        for subPath in subPathList:
            shutil.copytree(subPath, 'valid/')


  • The solution was to copy the files one by one recursively:

    import os, shutil
    for i in [x for x in range(10) if ((x != 9) and (x != 1))]:
        # print(fileList[i])
        # Train
        if(i > 2):
            subPathList = glob.glob('/content/NewDataset/'+fileList[i]+'/**/', recursive=False)
            for subPath in subPathList:
                for im in os.listdir(subPath):
                    imFullPath = os.path.join(subPath, im)
                    targetPath = os.path.join('/content/train',subPath.split('/')[-2]+ '/')
                    # print('Train: ', targetPath)
                    shutil.copy(imFullPath, targetPath)
        # Validate
            subPathList = glob.glob('/content/NewDataset/'+fileList[i]+'/**/', recursive=False)
            for subPath in subPathList:
                for im in os.listdir(subPath):
                    imFullPath = os.path.join(subPath, im)
                    targetPath = os.path.join('/content/valid',subPath.split('/')[-2] + '/')
                    # print('Validate: ', targetPath)
                    shutil.copy(imFullPath, targetPath)