hello here is my computed method :
aftermovie: (state) => state.festival.aftermovies[id]
id: {
set() { return this.$route.params.id}
if i put state.festival.aftermovies [0] it works but if i try to get id in url, id is undefined, can you help me please
thank you very much yes indeed we can not access this in mapState here is the functional solution:
data() {
return {
// -1 because the aftermovie index is 1 and the index in the array starts at 0
id: this.$route.params.id - 1
aftermovies: (state) => state.festival.aftermovies
and finally to access the data
<div class="container text-center">
{{ aftermovies[this.id].id }}
{{ aftermovies[this.id].name }}
{{ aftermovies[this.id].video }}