
App insights: Can you concatenate two properties together?

I have a custom event with a json (string) property called EventInfo. Sometimes this property will be larger than the 150 character limit set on event properties, so I have to split it into multiple properties, ie EventInfo0, EventInfo1, ect.

For example (shortened for simplicity) EventInfo0: [{ "label" : "likeButton", "stat], EventInfo1: [us" : "success" }]

I found out how to look at EventInfo as a json in app insights like:

 | where name == "people"
 | extend Properties = todynamic(tostring(customDimensions.Properties))
 | extend type=parsejson(Properties.['EventInfo'])
 | mvexpand type
| project type, type.label, type.status]

Is there a way I can concatenate EventInfo0 and EventInfo1 to create the full json string, and query that like above?


  • According to the documentation, the 150 character limit is on the key, and not on the entire payload. So splitting as you're doing it may not actually be required.

    enter image description here

    that said, to answer your questions - while it's not efficient to do this at query time, the following could work:

    datatable(ei0:string, ei1:string)
        '[{ "label" : "likeButton", "stat]', '[us" : "success" }]',
        '[{ "lab]', '[el" : "bar", "hello": "world" }]'
    | project properties = parse_json(strcat(substring(ei0, 1, strlen(ei0) - 2), substring(ei1, 1, strlen(ei1) - 2)))
    | project properties.label